
Your tax-deductible gift will directly impact our community by helping young people take positive steps towards a purposeful life.

Change a life today, impact a community tomorrow

About Your Donations…

100% of your donations go right into our programs. No donations are spent on administration and overhead as these funds are provided from other sources.

  • Youth Wages 44% 44%
  • Safe Housing 18% 18%
  • Maintenance and Supplies 16% 16%
  • Charity Program Staff 22% 22%

Join the Caring Beyond Reason Community and become the village transforming at-risk youth into purposeful adults

Every bit helps.

These are just a few of the things your donations could help our youth obtain. Your generous contributions make all the difference.

Fernie Works is a better investment in youth. Your return creates a tax paying adult, not a tax burden, paying dividends for life.
Fernie Works is one of our programs that does not receive government funding. It’s also the program that directly prepares up to 5 young men per year to support themselves and their communities. Fernie Works does not just build resumes. It builds hope for new and better futures.

We saw the need for job readiness among at-risk young men, so we created the program to address it. Youth deserve commitment like this, and we are prepared to evolve to meet their needs with your help.

Join us in going above and beyond, in Caring Beyond Reason.

Total cost of a year in
prison is $130,000.
Our cost for each successful
youth is $35,000.