
“The Coldest Night of the Year is a moment when tens of thousands of Canadians step outside the warmth and comfort of home and shine a light of welcome and inclusion”

Fernie Youth Services is very excited to partner up with Coldest Night of the Year.  This year on February 20th, 2021, Fernie will walk with our toques to raise money for our organization.  Join a team or Donate anything is greatly appreciated to bring awareness and donations for Fernie Youth Services.  The money that is raised can go towards buying lawn equipment for our Fernie Works division or to a fund for start up furniture for when our youth graduate from our Transition program and move out on their own.  Our Transition program gives youth a safe place to live while they learn skills to be independent.

We will walk through the cold and dark on February 20, 2021 to declare our concern for people who have no home, and to help people find their way to long-term safe housing, employment and brighter futures.

What is Coldest Night of the Year you ask?….

The idea of people walking in the cold to get a hint of what it might be like to experience homelessness isn’t unique. Charities across North America have been doing variations of this fundraiser for years. CNOY merely took the concept and built on it for the benefit of many more charities.  In 2011, CNOY launched in two locations supported by three charitable partners, including Ann Barnard Ball at Yonge Street Mission, Greg Paul at Sanctuary Ministries in Toronto, and Harry Whyte and Scott Brush at Ray of Hope Community Centre in Kitchener/Waterloo. Since then CNOY has charities from all over Ontario and continues to grow.

By Melissa Grieve


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