February 26th is coming quickly, and we have two options to ensure everyone is comfortable participating and has fun. Most importantly, no matter, how you join us on event day, you will leave a positive impact on at-risk youth.
The Coldest Night of the Year is about coming together to support those most at risk during the dangerous Canadian winter. This National event brings attention to charities like ours that provide safe places and opportunities for the most vulnerable. We keep young men off the streets, but more than that, we teach the skills that set them up to stay off the streets and out of trouble.
You can earn a new golden toque and join Fernie’s Coldest Night of the Year in two ways this year.
Youth deserve a safe place to become their best selves. You can make sure they have it.
Join Fernie’s Scarborough East CNOY walk on February 26th, 2022.