Employment Readiness
Fernie Works, is a comprehensive, holistic and innovative approach to bringing un- and under-employed youth into full participation in the world of work, creating a win-win-win for young workers, employers and for Ontario’s economy.
Fernie Works

With a focus on justice-involved, racialized youth, Fernie Works provides clients with experience in the working world, complemented by career development, occupational skills, education and certifications – so youth can take their rightful place in Ontario’s economy, in meaningful, well-paying jobs.
Three distinct program semesters tackle at-risk youths’ barriers to thriving careers. Clients can participate in one, two or all three program semesters depending on their interests and needs.
Fernie Plans focuses on career exploration. A Career Coach works one-on-one with clients to create a tailored career plan with curated offerings targeting high-demand sectors like trades, hospitality, and software design.
Fernie Learns focuses on education to push a client’s career path forward. A Learning Coach supports participants in a learning lab with guidance and tutoring, digital coursework, workshops, scholarship and OSAP applications, and experiential learning events.
Fernie Works focuses on paid job experience in a supported environment. A Job Coach supports youth working in Fernie’s social enterprise – Fernie Lawn Care – or mentors them while they complete a job placement with an employer in our network. By the end of the Fernie Works semester, participants will have job experience, a resume, a reference letter, job placement or re-entry into education, and earnings from wages.
All of Fernie Works’ program elements are complemented by individualized case management plans developed with clients and Youth Workers for a wraparound service.
We accept referrals from Probation Officers, Social Workers, Custody Facilities and other professionals working with youth. We also accept self-referrals from youth who are in need of our services. Previous youth justice involvement is not a requirement for participating youth.
To make a referral or ask a question please contact
Vanessa D’Souza (Coordinator, Fernie Works)
(416) 984-4050 or
We see success
Youth grow with their environment, the better the community supports the better the outcome. Read about some youth who have made a commitment to change.
Be the Change
There are many ways to join our community of change - donate, give, participate - be a partner in changing a youth’s story from ‘could have been’ to ‘look at me now’.